Business Function Types of Personal Information/System Permissions Involved Collection/Usage Purpose Collection Method
Change User Profile Picture Biometric information (facial features) Use user's own face as HP account profile picture Voluntary user photo/upload
Edit Personal Information Gender, date of birth, nationality Enrich personal information to facilitate social features Voluntary user input
Determine APP Operating Environment System version, IP address, browser type, language and region settings, date and time, hardware/software features Determine if the environment is normal and secure, ensuring proper app operation Automatically obtained and recorded after user agrees to this policy
Download and Install (including APP updates) Device model, device identification code, operating system, resolution, internal/external storage space Provide the correct software version, link to the correct server Automatically obtained and recorded after user agrees to this policy
Upload or Publish Content Camera, photos, microphone, location Upload or publish text, photos, videos, audio Voluntary user upload and publish
Basic Interaction Features User operation records (posts, broadcasts, feedback, likes, comments, rewards) Record user operations Automatically obtained and recorded
Instant Messaging Tools Contacts (friends), lists, communication records and content Enable communication between users Voluntary user input; automatically obtained and recorded